Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summer Fun in July

This summer has been tons of fun so far...with lots to do, new things to see, and many adventures with my family & friends. The Lord has blessed us with beautiful sunny days!! I cherish everyday of life that He gives me.

July 2nd: Lake Goodwin Beach with Aunt Sharon, Caitlyn, Evan & the Glassmans

July 4th: BBQ, smores, fireworks and holiday celebration with the Anderbergs

July 10th: Hiked to the Ice Caves with the Anderbergs & friends...

and after a long hike, we made a stop for ice cream.

July 16th: Went to Jetty Island with friends.

July 22nd: Willis Tucker Sprinkler Park with the Anderbergs & friends

July 26th: Rode the train and visited the farmer`s market & shops at the Country Village in Bothell.

July 27th: Birthday Party & BBQ for Aunt Katherine, Aunt Sharon & Aunt Karen


July 29th: Rode bikes on the Centennial Trail with the boys...

and after a long bike ride...iced mocha & italian sodas at the Bryant Buckin` Beans coffee stand.

July 31st: Howarth Park & Beach with the boys